New York City Skyline

Current Time in New York

New York

Current Time (EST)
06:58 AM
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Standard Time is active
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Get the exact current time in New York (NY), including Eastern Time (ET) updates, timezone information, and daylight savings time status. Our real-time clock helps millions of people worldwide stay synchronized with New York's bustling schedule.

Time Comparison

0 minutes from now
New York (EDT)
06:58 AM
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Daylight Saving Time
Los Angeles (PDT)
03:58 AM
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Daylight Saving Time
When it's 06:58 AM in New York,
it's 03:58 AM in Los Angeles

What's the Time in New York?

New York City runs on Eastern Standard Time (EST) during fall and winter. It switches to Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) in spring and summer.

The time difference depends on where you live. For example:

  • In London, New York is 5 hours behind.
  • In Los Angeles, it's 3 hours ahead.
  • In Sydney, the gap is 16 hours.

Want the exact time? Visit

FAQs About New York Time

Does New York follow daylight saving time?

Yes, daylight saving starts on the second Sunday in March and ends the first Sunday in November.

What is the current time zone in New York?

Eastern Time Zone. It's either EST or EDT depending on the season.

How can I convert New York time to my local time?

Use tools like World Time Buddy. They make it simple to compare time zones.

Is New York always the same time as Washington, D.C.?

Yes, both cities are in the Eastern Time Zone.

Why Knowing the Time in New York Matters

Knowing the time helps travelers, remote workers, and anyone scheduling calls or meetings. Here's why:

  • Business hours: Many global firms follow New York's schedule.
  • Flight planning: Arrival and departure times use local time.
  • TV shows: US programs often air based on New York time.

My friend, Claire, once missed a virtual interview because she forgot about daylight saving time. Don't let that happen to you!

Tips for Travelers

Planning a visit? Here are some quick tips to stay on schedule:

  • Adjust your watch: Set it to local time when you land.
  • Use your phone: Most smartphones update automatically.
  • Remember the shift: Daylight saving can confuse international visitors.

Fun Fact

Did you know? New York's time zone has been the same since 1883. Before that, towns set clocks differently.

Final Thoughts

Knowing the time in New York is easy with modern tools. Whether you're traveling, working, or just curious, it's one click away.